FibreCAT SX60, RAID Controller
The FibreCAT SX60 is the perfect system for small and medium sized companies.
It offers up to 18TB of storage capacity with 1-2 enclosures with up to 12 disks each (either 250GB, 500GB or 750 GB). The FibreCAT SX60 offers enterprise class reliability. Of course all this comes at a very affordable price. All critical components (RAID controllers,
fans, power supplies, disks) are redundant and can be swapped during operations. FibreCap technology protects RAID controller cache in case of power failure.
The FibreCAT SX60 is a fast storage system. This comes from brand new 4 Gigabit per second Fibre Channel technology and FibreCache, which uses a high performance interconnect to synchronize RAID controller caches directly.
The FibreCAT SX60 can be set up quickly and easily.
Fujitsu FibreCAT SX60, RAID Controller, 0 TB
Fujitsu FibreCAT SX60, RAID Controller. Total installed storage capacity: 0 TB